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Climate change and One Health

WHO has noted that climate change is a fundamental threat to human health. Many diseases and health outcomes are climate- sensitive – directly or indirectly including: malaria and other vector borne diseases, heat-related mortality or morbidity; air pollution-related illnesses; infectious diseases, waster and sanitation related illnesses, zoonotic infections and refugee health issues linked to forced population migration. The poorest and most vulnerable communities are often the worst affected or at risk, but contribute least to the problem.

The One Health it is  “an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems”. It promotes collaborative, multi-sectoral, and transdisciplinary strategies to address complex public health challenges like malaria. In the context of malaria elimination, a One Health approach is crucial because it addresses the broader ecosystem factors that contribute to malaria transmission, tailors interventions to local contexts as well as leveraging off activities of other sectors working in many of these remote, forested and marginal areas. This increases the effectiveness of efforts to combat and prevent the re-establishment of  vector borne diseases. 

The present efforts the CSO Platform is supporting for the integration of the Climate and One Health approach into malaria programs aligns with global efforts to eliminate malaria as outlined in WHO’s Global Technical Strategy for Malaria 2016-2030.

Our focus and work

  1. Advocacy for intersectoral coordination  
  2. Community Engagement  and resilience 
  3. Risk communication and awareness
  4. Community level and community based Surveillance,  Data Sharing and sued of data for decision making and response
  5. Capacity Building on implementation of one health approach and community based climate change vulnerability and adaptation assessment
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